Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

Text or Body

The text or body begins two lines below the salutation or subject line. (In the simplified letter format, the text begins three lines below the subject line.) The text is single or double spaced, depending on letter length.
Paragraphs are not indented in block, modified block, and simplified format letters; but they are indented (usually five spaces) in semiblock format letters. A blank line appears between paragraphs.
Long quotations are indented five spaces from both the left and right margins, with a blank line both before and after. A similar indentation is used for lists in letters with the semiblock format.
Reverse or "hanging" indentation is a format option, especially in advertising letters:
Keep us in mind when you think
about a new car. You can be
assured of quality and fine
service when you buy from us.
The first line begins flush with the left margin, with subsequent lines indented five spaces.
At least three lines of text must appear on any page following the initial page. If necessary, margins and line spacing are adjusted to meet this requirement.

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